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Braemore Home

siuong posted @ 2015年5月19日 10:14 in 未分类 , 3253 阅读

Braemore Home bracing for possible strike

Canadian Union of Public Employees national representative Kathy MacLeod said local 3513 is currently hosting a strike aversion campaign. cheap oakleys

"We're hoping to have a settlement and we're hoping the employer would call us back to the table so we could get a deal on local issues," said MacLeod. "Our 48 hours notice hasn't been served yet, but could be served at any time to the minister of labour."

Issues that remain contentious between the union and the employer are keeping people in temporary positions for five years or more, not allowing causal employees to receive shift and weekend premiums, and refusing reclassifications of four positions, which MacLeod says have already been agreed by both parties.

Various classifications of front line employees at Braemore, including dietary workers, laundry, maintenance and residential care workers have been in a legal strike position since Jan. 31.

The group's contract expired in 2009, and in July the local voted 98 per cent in favour of strike action.

"We're prepared to resume talks with the employer at any time," said MacLeod. "Last time we had talks was October 2010.

"The last thing they want to do is go on strike, but because these issues are so important to the local, they are prepared to strike over these issues."

Debra MacPherson, Braemore chief executive officer, said management is waiting for monetary issues to be resolved with the union, adding that the employer is not the lead negotiator on those matters.

She said she's hopeful talks between the lead negotiator and the union will resume, so local issues can be addressed. Christian Louboutin Sale

"Once that happens we will be able to go back to the table here at Braemore," she said. "We certainly are open to going back to the table once that provincial table has settled the monetary package. We think we can resolve our local issues and reach an agreement with more discussion with the union."

MacPherson said right now a contingency plan is being finalized in the event of a strike, including a plan for how to care for clients.

Currently there are also non union staff available at Braemore and employees of other union locals. According to MacPherson, the facility has 134 beds and about 118 clients, including youth and adults who have complex disabilities and receive a variety of programs, including rehabilitation and residential support. Christian Louboutin Shoes For Sale

The Braemore Home is funded by the Department of Community Services and under ownership and direction of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. It also recently made headlines for an incident that Community Services deemed a case of abuse. The mother of an autistic man has said her son was locked in a constantly lit room for 15 days at the home and only allowed out occasionally for exercise and meals.

An independent review of the home was ordered by Community Services Minister Denise Peterson Rafuse and welcomed by the union, which said employees were wrongly tainted by the scandal.

Jim MacLeod, one of six CBRM councillors who comprise the board of directors of the Braemore home, said both sides met Friday to discuss monetary issues with the assistance of a facilitator, but unfortunately talks broke off.

MacLeod said the board has no hand in any of the negotiations.

To MAJESTIC and because of clients I have an older child with a disability and a younger one without so I do know the struggles in maintaining a normal childhood for one while tending to the needs of the other. Please don't think I have anything but respect for someone who has cared for a person with a disability. I DO NOT work at Braemore Home but I do know they have PROFESSIONALS working there who work very hard to give their clients the very best the can. They have chosen this as their profession (thank heavens someone will do the job) and they do get paid but some of these "off the street workers" don't get much more than minimum wage and they certainly don't get any respect for the difficult job they do. Who comforts the client when they are sick? Who makes sure there is a birthday celebration when there is no family? Who makes sure every holiday is recognized and celebrated? Surely this is not part of their job description but is done because of the love and care they have. It makes me sad to think people only look to the negative. fake oakleys

I agree WOW! People have no problem placing blame on the rcws in the facility. Maybe someone should look at the efforts that local is doing to avoid a strike and to get back to the table. Management walked away without even listening and management is who can put a stop to this strike. People also have to see that the clients at Braemore home are like family to the staff there, taking into consideration that MANY spend just as much time or more with the clients at Bramore home. The staff do not want to strike, but will do what they have to, to get what they deserve for the very important work they do!!!!!!! For those people that would like to judge the frontline staff, maybe they should think about the complex and challenging behaviors they deal with daily and the resources they have to do this. I agree with you CHEF,John M. Try walking a mile in their shoes before you are so quick to run off at the mouth !

You must understand MAJESTIC that I DO understand the plight of families with disabilities and do realize all the problems that go hand in hand with having children with disabilities. However I feel that the staff at these facilities do a fantastic job. They only deem it necessary to write about the negative never the positive work that these workers do and the attachment they have to their clients. They are there to protect ALL the clients.

To people that think Braemore should be bulldozed, you are probably right. A new facility should exist for the clients of this home. There is not enough personal space for each person. To the ones that think we deserve "danger pay", that is a terrible statement. We enter the building going to work, expecting to do the best with what we have. Are there aggressive clients? Of course, this is a MENTAL HEALTH facility. Do we think they deserve less? Absolutely NOT. They just require more support and understanding. As caregivers, we require more support and understanding as well.

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